LSSL 5385 Textbook Reflections: Chapters 11-17
Chapter 11: Realistic Fiction SUMMARY: Realistic fiction is considered contemporary and modern. It is believable, meaning the characters, settings, and events can occur in real life/world situations. There are certain criteria when evaluating realistic fiction. The first piece of criteria is checking if the story's elements are consistent with the real world today's children live in. Examples of this includes speech, behavior, and gender and cultural qualities; therefore, it is important for stereotypes to be avoided. The second evaluation piece for realistic fiction is checking to see if the theme happens naturally. It is also wise to keep in mind that there is usually more than one theme in these type of texts. Finally, the third piece of criteria is noticing how the story's topic/subject matters to young readers. During modern times, realistic fiction tends to tackle tougher topics (i.e. death loss, sex orientation, etc.). REFLECTION: I have noticed that realistic fi...